The implementation of the “Sustainability through Intrapreneurship—National Studies and Good Practices Identification” activity in all project countries has initiated in October 2020. The initial stage of the SINTRA project implementation is about making an in-depth investigation of the national and sectoral settings for the development of environmental, social and economic sustainability, as well as the existing good practices in particular sectors with sustainability potential in the respective partner country, related to the positive effects that intrapreneurship can have on sustainability in one or more of its dimensions. This investigation, together with the gap analysis surveys and interviews, to be conducted as a next step within the framework of IO1 will serve the purpose of filling a gap in the systematic mapping of sustainability-focused intrapreneurship-related training needs of employees and employers in the partner countries.
The related national studies are expected to be concluded until mid November 2020 and will be uploaded on the project’s website.